ICONfrontメンバー紹介第7弾: 塩見春乃 ICONfront Member Introduction Vol.7: Haruno Shiomi




ICONfront member introduction vol.7: Haruno Shiomi

In the last article, we introduced Yuki Kobayashi, an ICU student in the second grade.

This time, we introduce an ID24 Haruno Shiomi at ICU, the second member joined ICONfront this year.

She shares how she joined ICONfront and the learning in ICU!

Please read the full article to find out!







Describe yourself freely. 

Hello, I’m Haruno Shiomi. I’m in second grade (ID24) at ICU and became a member of ICONfront last May.

I’m going to major in Peace Studies and I’m considering choosing Anthropology as a minor.

Outside of ICONfront, I’m joining a student organization called “Japan Korea Student Forum,” where I study and do presentations with Korean university students on zoom. 

I like music, reading, and Korean culture. In my six years of junior and senior high school, I joined the brass band club and played the string bass, and now I’m taking pipe organ lessons at ICU.

Q2. ICONfrontに興味を持ったきっかけは何ですか?


What interested you in being a part of ICONfront? 

I found out about ICONfront for the first time the last April when I was looking for clubs on Instagram soon after entering ICU. At that time, I decided to join a music club but quit because I couldn’t participate in its club activities due to the COVID-19. Then, I remembered ICONfront when I was thinking about which organization I would join next. Though I was satisfied with the past year, I didn’t have a strong identity as an ICU student. So I thought I could develop an attachment or closeness to ICU through having interviews with students and alumni. Also, I’m interested in activism but prefer working behind the scenes to taking center stage, so I wanted to support those who deal with social issues. 

Q3. いま一番力を入れていることはなんですか


What are you putting the most effort into right now?

Right Now I’m studying English and Korean. Learning English is almost unavoidable in ICU since there are so many situations in which English must be used. For Korean, I started taking Korean classes in the spring semester. Since I’m interested in the history of Japan and Korean relationships and I like Korean culture, I believe that I can learn to consider things from their perspective by acquiring Korean. Also, while there are various conflicts between Japan and Korea, both countries have similar cultures and face common social issues like the gender gap. In this sense, it seems necessary to know their language to maintain a balanced relationship between Japan and Korea. Learning a new language isn’t straightforward, but someday, I want to become fluent enough to read novels in the original language because I like reading books.  

Q4. 平和研究メジャーでやりたいことは決まっていますか


Have you decided what will you do as a Peace Studies major?

I haven’t decided on any details yet. Since I initially considered majoring in music, I’m interested in the relationship between culture, peace, and war, as well as peace education, and international relations. After entering ICU, my previous plans were disrupted because I learned about new academic fields, social issues, and ways of thinking, which I didn’t know in high school. However, after thinking about it, I realized that it wasn’t a sudden decision because I have read many novels about war since childhood and wanted to know and think more in every peace study class. People around me were surprised by my choice because I had said I wanted to learn music for a long time, but I think it’s a good choice. I believe that music is an integral part of me that will become an advantage someday. 

Q5. あなたの“icon”は?


What/who is your “icon”? 

I thought a lot after hearing this question, but I couldn’t think of a specific “icon.” I respect Yae Niijima, who is called the Japanese Nightingale, and idols who achieved their dreams after great efforts are also my “icon.” On a more personal level, my high school friends mean a lot to me because they help me think about various things even now. So everyone who came to my mind while considering this question is all my “icon.” 

次は ゆい です。来週のメンバー紹介もお楽しみに!

The next member is Yui. Look forward to member introductions next week!

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