ICONfrontメンバー紹介第12弾:村上未玲 ICONfront Member Introduction Vol. 12: Mirei Murakami


(Name) Mirei Murakami

ID: 26


Major: Undecided (Information Science, Psychology, Music)


Q1. 自由に自己紹介してください!




私は、音楽を聴くことも弾くことも好きなので、Melody UnionとChamber Music Society Orchestra にも所属しています。そこではそれぞれキーボードとコントラバスを弾いています。


Q1. Describe yourself freely. 

Hello, I am Mirei Murakami from class of 2026. 

I am currently a freshman at ICU, and I joined ICONfront this spring. 

I was born and raised in Tokyo, but I used to live in California, United States, from 5th grade to 10th grade. 

As I like both listening and playing music, I also joined Melody Union and Chamber Music Society Orchestra for my club activities at ICU. There, I play the keyboard and the double bass, respectively.   

I wish to write articles that inspire our readers, so please stay tuned!  


Q2. ICONfrontに興味を持ったきっかけは何ですか?


Q2. What interested in being a part of ICONfront? 

I wanted to create podcasts as part of my circle activities, so I talked to my friend Riko about it. Then she introduced me to ICONfront, and this was when I started to have an interest in ICONfront.  

Q3. どのようにしてICONfrontに入会することを決めたのですか?


私は、まだ何かに対して問題意識を持つという段階まで行っていませんが、今までのICONfrontの記事を読んで、私がせめてできることは、ICUのアクティビストになんらかの形でお手伝いすることだと考えるようになりました。最初は友人からの紹介という些細な入口でしたが、今では、私もICONfront の一員としてアクティビストの方々のお手伝いをしたいと思っています。

Q3. What made you join ICONfront? 

I have an impression that the number of activists at ICU is relatively larger than in other colleges. Even if students do not consider themselves activists, many students do recognize social issues as issues and act upon them. 

I am not to a point where I can be eager for a specific social issue. However, as I read archives of ICONfront, I started to believe that supporting ICU activists in some shape or form is something that I can at least do to contribute to the ICU community and society. Although my interest in ICONfront started from a shallow reason, being introduced to it by a friend, I can say that my final reason for joining ICONfront was that I really wanted to support ICU activists through my activities at ICONfront. 


Q4. あなたの”icon”は?


Q4. What/who is your “icon”? 

I am not sure what or who my “icon” is. I don’t even have an image of what an “icon” really is. So, I would like to establish my image of what “icons” are through activities at ICONfront.


The next member is Riko! Please look forward to her introduction, which will come out tomorrow!!  

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