ICONfrontメンバー紹介第9弾:高尾文子 ICONfront Member Introduction Vol.9: Ayako Takao


(Name) Ayako Takao


メジャー:未定(環境研究 or 国際関係学 or 社会学)

(Major) : Undecided (Environmental Studies or International Relations or Sociology)


  • 自由に自己紹介してください!





ICONfront以外の活動としては​​株式会社笑下村塾で学生記者として環境、教育、ファッションなど様々な分野で活動する同世代に取材をしたり、Climate Youth Japanという団体で環境問題解決に向けた事業に取り組んでいます。

趣味はサイクリング、ウクレレを弾くこと、村上春樹の本を読む、などですね。時間がある時はひたすら趣味に没頭したいタイプです 🙂

Describe yourself freely. 


I am Ayako Takao and I am a freshman at ICU.

I was born in Kobe, raised in Tokyo. I went to England, Canada, and the United States for short-term study abroad programs in junior and senior high school. I don’t have any long-term experience abroad, so I’d like to go on an exchange program while I’m in university!

I haven’t decided on my major yet, but I have been interested in environmental issues since high school and would like to approach these issues from the diplomatic field. So I am thinking of majoring in environmental studies or international relations. However, since I am also interested in sociology, which I am taking this semester, I am not sure which field I am specifically interested in…

Other than ICONfront, I work as a student reporter at Shoka-Sonjuku, where I interview young people who are active in various fields. I am also a member of Climate Youth Japan, where I work on projects to solve environmental problems.

My hobbies are cycling, playing the ukulele, and reading Haruki Murakami’s books. I’m the type of person who likes to devote myself to my hobbies when I have time 🙂

  • ICONfrontに興味を持ったきっかけは何ですか?




What interested you in being a part of ICONfront? 

I like to talk to a lot of people.

I enjoy hearing the thoughts and feelings of people who work on a certain area passionately, such as what inspired them to start that activity, and their personalities. So I joined this club to hear from people who are related to ICU. It has only been half a year since I entered the school, but there are already many students, graduates, and professors who have interesting ideas that I want to know more about.

Also, I have been working as a student reporter since 11th grade, and I wanted to have a group of friends to conduct interviews and write articles with. A friend told me about ICONfront, and when I saw the Instagram I thought, “I want to join here!”



What are you interested in?

As I mentioned in my self-introduction, I am interested in environmental issues. When I was in 10th grade, I did research on the SDGs and felt a sense of urgency about environmental issues as well as a sense of impatience with the lack of movement at the national level. That’s why I created an environmental group within my junior and senior high school to raise environmental awareness among students. Today, I am still interested in environmental issues, but I am in the process of figuring out which field to approach from. I’ve been interested in foreign countries, thanks to watching American TV dramas and having study abroad experience. I was interested in diplomacy and thought to approach the environment issue from this field, but recently, I am also thinking of studying sociology, psychology and gender!




What do you do every day as a routine?

Every day before I go to bed, I look back at what I did that day in my diary. I write everything down in a time schedule notebook for business people, including waking time, bedtime, and commuting time. Even on days when I don’t have anything special, I spend about three minutes before going to bed and I write down my daily routine; such as what time I ate dinner, what class I took, who I talked to, and how long I was on my phone. This has been a habit of mine since I was in the 10th grade. By writing everything down, I can look back and see if I made it through the day and what makes me feel irritated. I do it carefully, especially when I’m overwhelmed with assignments or tasks, which is when I don’t have much space on my mind. When you hear that I do this, you may think I’m a serious or sensitive person, but people around me describe me as a moody person or have light footwork.

  • あなたの”icon”は?



Who is your “icon”?

In my case, I don’t have a person that I can say, “This is my ICON!”. Rather, my icon is a combination of the parts of many people I have met in my life. Friends I met at school, people I met on my travels, fictional characters in books, speakers at lectures, vloggers on youtube, my family, etc… I think that my icon is made up of small to large parts of hundreds of people.

Especially since I entered university, I have been meeting more and more new people, and I feel like I can see the edges of my icon. If I had to sum up my current icon in one word, I would say,“a person who lives in nature”. There are two aspects of “nature” in this sense. First is that I am interested in environmental issues and want to live in a way that is eco-friendly and sustainable for the earth. Another aspect of “nature” is”true self” in the pursuit of happiness and living according to my heart. This second aspect can be realized in many ways, such as respecting my physical and mental health, asserting my opinions and thoughts, and dressing up for oneself rather than for others. I’m still in the process of exploring my ICON, but I’m excited to see what kind of people I will meet and how it will be structured.

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