ICONfront第14弾:栗林春 ICONfront Member Introduction Vol.14: Haru Kuribayashi

名前:栗林 春

(Name) Haru Kuribayashi



(Major) Anthropology or Phirosophy


  • 自由に自己紹介してください!



Describe yourself freely. 

Hi, I’m Haru Kuribayashi, from Ehime. I’m in a class of 2027, I love to eat, talk, collect, sleep, and express myself by handwriting.

I am interested in how different geography and climates influence people’s mindsets. I’m looking forward to trying local food in the countries where I will do fieldwork.

  • ICONfrontに興味を持ったきっかけは何ですか?



What interested in being a part of ICONfront? 

I found out ICONfront before Hanami, which was a freshman welcome event.

I want to improve my expression skills more than before. Since I’m very talkative, I want to speak more logically and constructively. After I became a university student, I decided to take action to learn about social issues and the activists who are dealing with them because I only thought about cultural differences, not social issues caused by conflicts of cultures. 

  • 宝物はなんですか?


          What are your treasures?

My precious things are memories of when I ate delicious food and discussed something deeply. I also put a high value on children’s books related to food, which my father gave me as presents. An eraser smells like strawberry smoothie and the plastic pen case decorated by my mother are my treasures. These are my roots. 


  • これから作りたい思い出はなんですか?


  How do you want to spend your university life?

In ICU, all students have more chances to learn various subjects and deepen their studies than students in other universities. I’d love to try as much as I can so that I can collect more treasures. Through the interview with activists at ICONfront, I want to develop my thoughts and recognize the issue as my issue. Also, I want to express myself more freely with responsibility when I spread information. When I talk in the podcast, I want to master speaking equally. Since I moved to Tokyo, I’d love to visit cafes that I found on Instagram. 

  • あなたの”icon”は?


What/who is your “icon”? 

People who eat happily with me are my icons💕I think attentive and bright people can let others want to spend more time with them and enjoy having meals together. They have the special power to relieve someone’s tension or anxiety. Probably I choose personal characters as my icon, not people.

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