ICONfrontメンバー紹介第10弾:山本茉由 ICONfront Member Introduction Vol.10: Mayu Yamamoto
(Name) Mayu Yamamoto
ID: 26
(Major) Undecided (Anthropology or Media, Communications and Culture)
Q1. 自由に自己紹介してください!
はじめまして、ICU1年生 (ID26) の山本茉由です!
Describe yourself freely.
Hello, I am Mayu Yamamoto, a freshman of ICU (ID26)!
I am intrigued by “food,” and I daily think to “eat in a way that I will not regret” 🙂 Other than eating, I like to spend my time reading books and watching TV on changes of demand for food, differences on marketing between restaurant chains and privately run restaurants, food problems, and nutrition!
Experiencing the significance of multiculturalism when living in the U.S. during my elementary school years, I aspire to deconstruct the biases I am unaware of within me by taking courses from various fields both in Japanese and English, ultimately contributing to creating an inclusive society.
Q2. ICONfrontに興味を持ったきっかけは何ですか?
私のように、ICU生が身近な存在でありながら他学生の活動を知らない人が多いのではないかと考えました。その為、ICU生が何をしているか広め、互いに刺激を与える仲間の輪の構築に参画したいと思い、ICONfrontに入りました ^_^
What interested in being a part of ICONfront?
I became interested in ICONfront after reading an article about Ms. Ai Taguchi on ICONfront’s website about her activities in Ghana, which I first learned about in “GEKI-REA-SAN WO TSURETEKITA” (Japanese TV program).
I joined ICONfront because I thought that there are many people like me who don’t know the activities other ICU students are partaking in, and I wanted to spread about their activities and connect the students to galvanize each other ^_^.
Q3. オリジナルな食の楽しみ方はありますか?
Do you have an original way of enjoying food?
As I love to try new things, I often try out various combinations of foods I like. One of my particular favorites is the Chee Potato Bowl, which is made by placing potato salad on white rice, sprinkling melted cheese over it, and heating it up in the microwave. The cheese envelops the potato salad and rice, uniting the three foods into one community that is difficult to describe in words:) Other than that, if you use soba noodles instead of udon noodles for “curry udon” and make the curry even more liquid, it intertwines with the deep and rich scent of the soba and gives a special different taste from curry udon.
This is not related to my original menu, but if you eat a stuffy cake such as a tart for dessert after dinner, I get too full as I approach the bottom of the isosceles triangle (this is my fault for not limiting how much I eat for dinner). Thus, I decided to eat from the outside of the tart (the bottom side of the isosceles triangle) in the early stages when I had some space in my stomach. This way, I can eat the heavy tart crust or the whipped cream first, and as I get closer to the apex of the triangle, I can enjoy the refreshing fruit and finish the tart in one piece ^_^
Q4. 「共生社会」はどのように構築したいと考えていますか?
How do you hope to construct an “inclusive society”?
I aspire to study anthropology and communication studies to resolve social divisions caused by labels such as culture and gender, and to build a welcoming society as a spatial designer who isn’t constrained by current “normals.”
While globalization is progressing, about 40% of Japanese people hesitate to have foreigners living in their neighborhoods, and more than 80% of foreigners living in Japan have never participated in local events. When people live in the same neighborhood but have little interaction with each other, there is a high possibility that disputes will arise, rather than the cross-cultural understanding that is being promoted. With online development along with internationalization, it seems easier for us to connect on diverse platforms with those who share similar ideologies, follow the same religion, or are considered a minority in sexual identity. Although creating and spreading so many labels makes it easier to build communities online, it can also create a relentless “divide” in the real world, with people believing limited sources of information. I hope to create a public space that facilitates people to engage without being confined by various labels. During my four years of college, I hope to study the seemingly unrelated areas of space design, community building, and cross-cultural exchange on the same vector!
Q5. あなたの”icon”は?
What/who is your “icon”?
My “icon” is a member, who is two years older than me, of the brass band at the integrated junior and senior high school I attended.
She was a person who values the basics, whether that be the basics of communications—listening to me with a smile and a nod—or in the club—certainly completing the warmups at every practice.
She said to me, “doing the warmups may seem monotonous, but how hard you work there will make a difference later on,” and I was greatly impacted by her.
I feel that my senior’s influence was very significant in helping me to focus on the basics in everything I do, and to be able to handle tasks that seem monotonous and repetitive.
The next member is Hinano. Please look forward to her introduction that will be posted tomorrow!