ICONfrontメンバー紹介第2弾: 遠藤理愛 ICONfront Member Introduction Vol.2: Rhea Endo

ICONfront ID22メンバー特集第2弾:先週の記事では、現在カナダのトロント大学に在学しているID22の鈴木美帆を紹介しました。第2弾では、ICONfront創設メンバーの一人であり、国際基督教大学3年生である遠藤理愛をご紹介します!


ICONfront ID22 member introduction Vol. 2: In last week’s article, we introduced Miho Suzuki, a former ICU student and a junior at the University of Toronto in Canada. This week, we interviewed one of ICONfront’s founding members and a junior at International Christian University, Rhea Endo.

She talks about the conversation that led to the establishment of ICONfront, her past experiences, and her current interests. Please read the full article to find out!


Q1. 自由に自己紹介してください!






Q1. Describe yourself freely. 

Hi! I’m Rhea Endo, and I’m a junior at ICU. My major is gender and sexuality studies and my minor is literature.

I’ve been in ICONfront since its establishment this April.

I was born in Yamagata and grew up in Tokyo, but lived in Australia for about 6 years.

I’m studying gender and doing a little bit of gender activism at ICU. I chose literature as my minor partly because I enjoy creative writing.

Apart from my studies, I was in an a cappella club. I like arranging music and watching films and documentaries.

Q2. ICONfrontの設立に至った経緯は何ですか?




Q2. How and why was ICONfront established? 

The idea initially came from a casual conversation between a group of friends. We were talking about the lack of a platform for ICU students and student activists to connect and get to know each other, even though there are so many students working hard to tackle social issues. So we decided to create that platform ourselves.

The three of us worked together to build a website, create social media accounts, and start interviewing ICU student activists.

As an activist myself, I knew the importance of having a place to connect with other activists and spread the word to other students. I also believe there are students searching for people to start doing activism with. Having the drive to do something but not the method is such a waste of talent, energy, and passion.

Q3. 自分のアイデンティティや経験について少し教えてください。




Q3. Tell us about your experiences of finding your identity.

I have a Japanese mother and a British father, and I’ve always been uncertain of my racial identity. In this society that discriminates against so-called “foreigners” and judges people based on their facial features due to lack of education, I’m often considered not “fully” Japanese. When I go abroad, however, I’m frequently seen as Japanese.

I’ve been lucky enough to avoid outright discrimination, but being subtly told that you don’t fit in completely is hard. I was even resentful towards Japan and lived for validation by others, but I’ve begun to accept my racial and sexual identity. 

To think that countless people suffer discrimination and exploitation far, far worse than what I experienced is a dreadful thought. This is not a matter of “difference in opinion” because people’s lives and the earth’s survival is on the line. Rather than neglecting the fact that people are being used and the environment is being destroyed for the benefit of the wealthy, I want to do what I can and make it better. ICONfront is important to me because I get to interact with and listen to students with a similar sense of awareness. I’ve realised that listening to people is the most crucial part of activism.

Q4. なぜジェンダーのアクティビズムを始めようと思ったのですか?


ICUに入ってフェミニズムを勉強する面白さを知りましたが、同時に世の中の理不尽な状況を知って居ても立ってもいられなくなりました。たくさんの人が苦しんでいるのに何もしないのはおかしいと思い、活動できる団体を探していたところ、一般社団法人Voice Up Japanを知り、メンバーとして活動を始めました。


Q4. What motivated you to become a gender activist?

I started noticing gender disparities and gender stereotypes in my daily life after watching actress and activist Emma Watson’s UN speech in high school. I began to notice that something was very wrong with society, affecting how we talk, act, and think on a daily basis. I realised that I had been accepting, and even contributing to, gender-based stereotypes and discrimination.

I really started to enjoy studying gender studies after entering ICU, but at the same time I couldn’t stand not doing anything about a situation I knew was happening and was affecting everyone. As a privileged individual in society, I felt the need to change the situation, and found an organisation called Voice Up Japan, and became a member.

Recently I’m interested in the problem of masculinity, both in my activism and in my studies. It’s an often forgotten and neglected type of discrimination, but a vital element in dealing with gender inequality.

Q5. 最近ハマっていることや興味があることを教えてください!



Q5. Tell us about your current interests! What are you into right now?

I’m into Netflix’s reality TV series “Queer Eye”. It is problematic in some ways, but also very positive and inspiring.

Since I’ve been spending more time at home during the coronavirus pandemic, I’ve been devoting more time to self-care. I’m interested in becoming a vegetarian or a vegan in the future, for health and environmental protection purposes, and I think it’s great that the number of vegan cafes and food products is increasing in Japan as well.

Q6. あなたの”icon”は?


Q6. What/who is your “icon”? 

If I had to pick one person, it would probably be Emma Watson. Her work as a feminist, her intelligence and willingness to learn, and her life values are exemplary and inspiring, especially since she’s been in the spotlight from a young age and gone through a lot. I think that using your power and influence as a famous person in a positive way is almost obligatory, and I respect her for that.

Q7. 次のメンバーはみおです。このメンバーを一言で表すと?


Q7. The next member is Mio. How do you describe this person in one word? 

I would say Mio is like a sunflower. She has a kind and cheerful personality that naturally attracts people, and she is also a reliable leader with a strong core and draws a clear line between work and rest. She gives me energy, just like looking at a sunflower makes you happy.

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