ICONfrontメンバー紹介第4弾: 太田 真緒 ICONfront Member Introduction Vol.4: Mao Ota
ICONfront ID22 member introduction Vol. 4: Mao Ota
In last week’s article, we introduced Mio Kodama, an ICU student studies Peace Study and Gender and Sexuality Study and is very active in other extracurricular activities including ICONfront.
This week, we interviewed a junior at International Christian University and one of ICONfront’s founding members, Mao Ota.
She shares about the conversation that led to the establishment of ICONfront, how she reflects the past 8th months since ICONfront started, and about her “icon”.
Please read the full article to find out!
Q1. 自由に自己紹介してください!
ICONfrontの活動以外には、ICU Brothers and Sisters という履修相談団体に所属をしていて学生の学修サポートをしています。
Describe yourself freely.
Hi! I am Mao Ota, and I am a junior student at ICU.
Last April, I started this ICONfront activity with two other members and have kept working with our current ICONfront members.
At ICU, my major is in Public Policy, and also studying Economics as a minor.
When I was in my 2nd year at high school, I participated in the exchange program and found my interest in studying the mechanism of the social security system. Since then, I’ve been studying this academic field.
Apart from the ICONfront activity, I am also a member of ICU Brothers and Sisters which is a student-led group that supports students’ academic planning.
I love eating food, especially Mexican tacos! I have been dreaming of visiting Mexico some day and to eat authentic tacos…!
Q2. ICONfrontの活動を始めようと思ったきっかけは何ですか?
ICUに入学してもう直ぐ丸2年が経とうとしていた2年生の冬、ガッキ(ICUの食堂 学生キッチンの略)で友達2人と会話をしていた中で、ICONfrontのアイディアが浮かびました。
What interested you in being a part of ICONfront?
When I was about to finish my second year at ICU, two friends and myself came up with the idea to start this ICONfront from a casual conversation at Gakki.
I remember we talked about “even though there were so many ICU students who were tackling social issues, we didn’t know much about their activities. For activists, and students who had not known those activities, we felt that it was a waste of great opportunities for both.”
It all started from the conversation above.
Personally speaking, because I had had some opportunity to think about the social problem through ICU debating club activity, I was interested in joining a group aiming to solve social issues. However I realize I was not in any groups, whereas my friends who were particularly interested in gender issues had-already starting to take action. From the conversation above, I thought that it should not be only me who does not have enough information about the active groups that existed in ICU, in order to consider which activist group to join.
We came up with the idea of introducing social activist groups and or individuals, and the idea that those introductions would spotlight their activities.
Q3. 実際にICONfrontの活動を開始してから約8ヶ月が経ちますが、ここまで活動をしてきてどうですか?
How do you feel that eight months have already passed since you started the ICONfront activity?
I can’t believe how fast time flies, but within the past eight months, we had twelve opportunities to interview ICU activists, and released those articles on our website, and our social media pages. Also, we accomplished an online event called “Reconsider `Sustainability`” with two activists” in this semester. We also had a precious time with the participants and the two activists, Ai Taguchi and Hodaka Yara.
Lastly, ICONfront would never have come this far without all of the members involved.
Q4. 活動をする中での気づきはありますか?
Are there any findings from the ICONfront activity?
Through working in ICONfront, I found out that there are more activists in various fields than I had expected, such as issues related to gender, entrepreneurship, fundraising for medical workers, environment and so on. Without the interviews for activists, I would not have noticed such activism. I’ve also become more motivated in getting more recognition for ICU activists among a greater audience, than before I was in ICONfront.
Q5. あなたの”icon”は?
What/who is your “icon”?
The person I respect as my icon is my grandmother who is turning 87 this year. She is very active and has no hesitation to try new things. I have many to learn from her attitude. Even now, she is the chairwoman of a Kabuki society with 300 members.I have been watching her value any encounters in her life. Seeing how she puts importance on the connection with other people, I came to think that valuing human bonds and challenging new things are my utmost importance in life.
Q6. 次はID24のもえなです。このメンバーを一言で表すと?
The next member is Moena. How do you describe this person in one word?
If I would pick one word, I would say “a sponge”. She absorbs information instantly like a sponge, and also makes effective filtration and is able to output ideas. She is very trustworthy and reliable.