ICONfrontメンバー紹介第5弾: 小林 萌菜 ICONfront Member Introduction Vol.5: Moena Kobayashi

今週の第5弾では、ICU1年生の小林 萌菜をご紹介します!

ICONfront ID24 member introduction Vol. 5: Moena Kobayashi

In last week’s article, we introduced Mao Ota, an ICU student who studies Public policy and Economics, and one of ICONfront’s founding members.
This week, we interviewed an ID24 student at International Christian University.
She shares her feelings through ICONfront and the theme of learning at ICU!

Please read the full article to find out!


こんにちは!ICU24(1年生)の小林 萌菜です。



Describe yourself freely. 

Hello! I’m Moena Kobayashi, ICU24 (freshman).
I’ve been a member of ICONfront since May.

I love watching classical ballet and figure skating, and I’m always following the latest trends on YouTube. I especially like the Mariinsky ballet dancers and Russian skaters.

On the academic side, I’d like to work on issues that span science and society, and I’m thinking at this stage that I’d like to major in sociology and environmental studies. Environmental studies is fascinating because I can study both chemistry and biology. I also enjoy reading, so I participate in reading groups on sociology and philosophy and discuss them on a daily basis.




What interested you in being a part of ICONfront? 

I became interested in ICONfront because I knew Mao, one of the founding members, since I was little. Since all classes and events were online,  I had no idea about what clubs to join, so it was very reassuring for me to have someone I knew at ICUin the university.
I also wanted to know what kind of activities ICU students do outside of class! I decided to join ICONfront because I genuinely thought it was a good idea.


4月にICUに入ったばかりで、大学のことが何も分からなかった私にとって、先輩方がどのような経緯で問題意識を持ち、アクティビストとして社会問題に取り組んでいるのかを知ることができたのは、とても勉強になりました (完全に読者目線ですね笑)。自分で勉強していると、どうしても分野が偏ってしまいがちですが、ICONfrontでは環境・ジェンダーからビジネスまでどんな領域も扱うので、毎回新しい発見があってやりがいのある活動です。



 How have you found ICONfront so far? 

I just entered ICU in April and didn’t know anything about the university, so I learned a lot about how the seniors in ICU became aware of social issues and worked on those issues as activists. When I study on my own, I tend to only focus on my field, but ICONfront deals with various field, from the environment and gender to business, so it’s a worthwhile activity with new discoveries every time.

Also, since I’m a curious person, I’m very excited to have opportunities to ask questions to activists face-to-face during our interviews, and I hope that the activists’ answers will help our readers become more interested in activism.

ICONfront is a platform for ICU students to work on social issues, and I personally think this platform is very valuable. Today, even a single environmental problem is very complex and multidisciplinary. We obviously need to incorporate scientific knowledge to solve these problems, as well as economic perspectives such as how companies can get involved, and more fundamental philosophical perspectives that question the nature of humanity. In this context, I have become deeply aware of the importance of collaboration across disciplines, and in order to achieve this, I strongly hope that we can act as a platform to bridge various fields by taking advantage of the characteristics of ICU, where you can choose your major from 31 options. It is a major goal for me to work on issues that are not specific to a particular field of study, which is important in the field that I want to study.

Q3. ICUではどのような研究をしてみたいのですか?

 まだ大学に入ったばかりなので確定したわけではありませんが、最初に述べた通り科学と社会にまたがる問題に興味があり、学問分野で言うと科学技術社会論(STS: Science and Technology Studies)や科学社会学、科学史・科学哲学の研究をしたいです(科学科学うるさいですね笑)。すごくニッチな分野なので、「科学なんですか、社会学なんですか」と言われますが、簡潔に言うと科学技術社会論では、科学技術が引き起こす社会の諸問題や、逆に社会が科学技術にどのような影響をもたらすのかといったことを論じます。例えばゲノム編集や再生医療の倫理や法整備、食と農の社会学、AIにおける倫理的問題、専門知を公共空間でどのように生かすかといった多くのトピックがあります。COVID-19において、専門家の在り方を問うたり、サイエンスコミュニケーションやリスクコミュニケーションについて論じるのもSTSの領域です。


What kind of research do you want to do at ICU?

I’m still new to the university, so I’m not sure what I specifically want to research, but as I mentioned earlier, I’m interested in issues that span science and society, so I’d like to study Science and Technology Studies (STS), sociology of science, history of science and philosophy of science. STS is a very niche field, so people ask me if it’s science or sociology, but to put it simply, STS discusses the social problems caused by science and technology, and conversely, how society affects science and technology. There are many topics, such as genome editing and regenerative medicine ethics and legislation, the sociology of food and agriculture, ethical issues in AI, and how to make use of professional knowledge in the public space. With COVID-19, it is also the domain of STS to question the nature of professionals and to discuss science communication and risk communication.

I originally wanted to study the natural sciences, but when I was a high school student doing research on the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, I thought about the social responsibility of scientists and became very interested in the way science and technology interact with society. The question of how to make science and technology more acceptable to society is a big one, and as a science lover, I find it very interesting. I wanted to study across disciplines, so I think ICU is an ideal place for me.

Q4. あなたの”icon”は?


What/who is your “icon”? 

 It’s hard to pick one person, but Sadako Ogata is a great role model for me. She taught at ICU and was a student at my alma mater, so I have great respect for her. I am very impressed by how she served as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees when there were not many women working in society. She wrote many books, and her quotes are inspiring, such as “Have a hot heart and a cold head” and “The important thing is to save the lives of those who are suffering, regardless of different cultures, religions, and beliefs. There can be no peace in one’s own country because the world is connected.” She valued both theory and practice, and I think it might relate to the activities of ICONfront.


Thank you for reading to the end!

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