ICONfrontメンバー紹介第8弾: 猿山ゆい ICONfront Member Introduction Vol.8: Yui Saruyama
ICONfront member introduction vol.8: Yui Saruyama
In the last article, we introduced Haruno Shiomi, an ICU student in the second grade!
This time, we introduce an ID24 Yui Saruyama at ICU, the third member joined ICONfront this year.
She shares how she joined ICONfront and the learning in ICU.
Please read the full article to find out!

Q1. 自由に自己紹介してください!
Describe yourself freely.
Hello, I’m Yui Saruyama! I joined ICONfront as a member this May.
I still haven’t decided my major, but I’m interested in business, sociology, and public policy.
I was brought up in Gunma, which has a lot of nature, so I’m very laid-back. I love eating delicious food, and I like to check out bakeries because I work at a bakery as a part time job. I also like making sweets in my free time.I take many courses at ICU, and I’m looking for what I am passionate about. I can’t clearly figure out what I want to do, so I’m studying for qualifications, hoping to become a person who has a wide variety of knowledge at ICU.
Q2. ICONfrontに興味を持ったきっかけは何ですか?
What interested in being a part of ICONfront?
I’ve been reading ICONfront’s articles since I was a freshman, but because I belonged to another student club, I was interested in ICONfront’s activities as a reader. I now know many people who focus on social problems who are trying to solve them through reading the articles. I want to know more about activism and be a person who can take action. ICONfront is not only an activist platform, but also a source of inspiration to me as an ICONfront member as I am able to listen to activists’ opinions. Therefore, I joined ICONfront after I became a sophomore student.
Q3. 今、熱中していることはなんですか?
- What are you passionate about?
I’m studying to get qualifications such as The Official Business Skills Test in Bookkeeping, and English proficiency tests. I haven’t always had a clear motivation about what I want to do , and I couldn’t always do my best to reach my goal like others do. However, I didn’t like my personality of not challenging myself to anything, so I’m trying to get qualifications to have advantages for my future. I believe that the desire to be able to achieve something concrete leads to my interest and gaining knowledge, even if I don’t have a strong motivation.
Q4. ICUでこれからどのように過ごしていきたいですか?
How do you want to spend your time at ICU?
In my freshman year, I did only what I needed to do because I couldn’t afford to do many things. So from now on I’d like to take various lectures while finding out what I want to do. Honestly, I was frustrated because I couldn’t decide my major and my future dreams like people around me, but I feel that I can’t do anything just by being frustrated, so I hope to do what I can little by little. It’s abstract and fine-sounding talk, but to think in this way is good progress for me. And I was able to change my mind from compromising my values to hoping to learn what I don’t know.
I want to value the learning and relationships that I can gain because I’m at ICU. Besides, I think that joining ICONfront is one of the steps to grow as an individual by making use of the knowledge and relationships that I can only gain in ICONfront.
Q5. あなたの”icon”は?
What/who is your “icon”?
My ICON is my family. When I thought about this question, although I was reminded of other people like my friends and teachers in my high school, I feel that my underlying beliefs are strongly affected by my family. The reason why I entered ICU is because of my mother’s recommendation, and I owe what I am to my family who accepted me and led me in the right direction when I was worried about something. I’m embarrassed to say this, but my family’s behavior supports my way of life. Also, I feel it’s because they are really important to me that they have such a big influence on me.
Thank you for reading to the end!